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How immigrate to Canada legally
In the last years, the immigration of Brazilians to other countries has increased, for several reasons and, among them, a better quality of life. Immigrate to Canada became an excellent option for those who seek this goal.
Visa issuance
The visa issuance to Canada has increased by 88% since last year. There are many opportunities in the country, mainly because of the high demand for skilled labor and the need to import people to fill this gap. Thus, the local government has several programs to incentive immigration to Canada.
Why immigrate to Canada
There is a long list of reasons to immigrate to Canada as it has one of the best reputations in the world, and year after year is included in the top 10 of the best countries to live in among the United States and Scandinavian countries. Every year the country welcomes immigrants with open arms mostly because of the need for employees – many of them for positions that require people with higher education.
In addition to all the incentives for foreigns, the country has an excellent life quality – which attracts many Brazilians. The public transport is very efficient, education and health are among the best in the world, and inflation is just over 2% – having one of the most stable economies in the world.
The salaries in Canada are excellent and allow a good quality of life. Each province has its minimum wage policy and is consistent with the region reality. However, all consider that a minimum salary should provide quality of life for the citizen.
How to immigrate to Canada
There are over 60 different ways to immigrate to Canada legally. Also, because Canadian provinces are autonomous in immigration rules, in other words, they have their regulations, which can vary from region to region.
The government sets criteria and standards that must be met, for example, job offer per locality, language proficiency (English or French – or both), and financial proof – but it leaves open to the provinces to create their laws.
Below are the main categories:
- Express Entry: this is the most common and fastest way to legally immigrate to Canada for skilled and qualified professionals – with a bachelor’s degree. Express Entry aims to attract foreigners to fill specific job offers that required experienced professionals in the Canada market. Prerequisites are fluency in the language – English or French, depending on the region – and bank statements showing the value in reais equivalent to 12,500 Canadian dollars in funds (savings or applications) in the name of the candidate.
- Start-up Visa Program: this visa is for anyone who wants to start a business in Canada – creating new jobs – or joining an existing company in the country.
- Quebec-Selected Skilled Workers: this process is unique for the Quebec province, and it’s for highly experienced professionals chosen by the government.
Specific Programs:
- Self-Employed Program: it is for independent workers with proven experience. For example, artists and athletes.
- Family Sponsorship: if you have a Canadian resident family or a family with citizenship, you can apply for Family Sponsorship. The person must prove that he has the income to support both legal and proper means.
- Provincial Nominee: in this case, the Canadian provinces assign foreign workers to the local labor market according to their needs. Since each region has its laws, it’s just necessary to check each province’s website for opportunities.
- Atlantic Immigration Pilot: this visa is for workers or students who already have a relation with the Atlantic Provinces of Canada, i.e., have a job offer in one of the locations. There are three modalities within this program: people who have graduated from the province, people who live there, and people who wish to move to one of the Atlantic Provinces.
- Rural and Northern Immigration: is intended for people who want to move to the northernmost regions of Canada or smaller cities. The government has the purpose of economic growth in the area and provides all necessary support for immigrants to settle in and integrate into the regions.
- Caregivers: this visa includes caregivers for the elderly, children, or people with special needs. Usually, only applications are accepted from people who have been resident in Canada for more than two years and want to regularize their resident process. However, there is still a modality that accepts international people.
- Refugees and Asylum: it is exclusive to people who are forcibly leaving their country because of war or persecution.
What is the best option?
It is important to note that some processes are open year-round and receive applications periodically; others work in order of arrival – which means those who send first are more likely to have their process verified.
Each program has its peculiarities and requirements for immigrating to Canada, so it is best to get information about the process before and analyze which one best fits your profile. For instance, match your experience and skills with the requirements of the Canadian government. It is always an option to hire a consultant for an expert review of your profile and indicate the best option, as well as answer questions and assist with the visa and scoring process.
Migrate forever of retirement in Brazil?
The question above permeates the minds of immigrants: I will return to my country?
The answer will be seen over time, and it is not always the same as imagined. There is a large percentage of Brazilians who return to Brazil for various reasons, whether for financial reasons, for missing or lack of friends and relatives, as others.
Regardless of the reason, the possibility of returning exists, especially in the first three years. So it needs to be very careful not to rely on luck and end into future problems.
How is the Brazilian social security being in Canada?
Brazil and Canada have a Social Security Agreement for the protection of workers in both countries. However, by resorting to this type of agreement, the benefit drops dramatically and may be below the minimum salary in Brazil.
Therefore, we recommend that if you move to Canada, you still maintain the INSS for at least 12 months. The gatherings in Canada are entitled to benefits in the country only after completed a minimum grace period.
Besides, it is possible to place an order via digital to INSS and to request medical expertise in Canada due to the terms of the administrative cooperation agreement.
In addition, maintaining the INSS social security will allow you to redeem the value of the contribution if you wish to return to Brazil without wasting time for retirement in the country, as explained by the official Canadian website.
What if there is no possibility of returning to Brazil?
Well, if the Brazilian is determined not to return to Brazil, it will be necessary to contribute to Canada. If you use the agreement, you will need to consider the best option. In fact, the agreement provides that each country pays a proportional amount for the person’s benefit.
That is, regardless of whether it takes years or decades to retire, it will be necessary to claim “part” of retirement in Brazil. The agreement only provides reciprocal recognition by the government of the working periods.
Retirees or pensioners who will migrate will have an increase in income tax
It is essential to know that if the immigrant is a beneficiary of the Brazilian social security, either by the INSS or as a government worker, there will be an increase in the income tax. Living in Canada for those receiving benefits has a significant burden, just as if it was any other country.
In fact, since 2013, the federal revenue has retained 25% directly on the value for Brazilians retired who are living abroad.
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Fernanda Gomes
Graduada em Relações Internacionais (ESPM) com MBA em Marketing Estratégico (Unisinos). Possui larga experiência em gerenciamento de contratos internacionais com governo brasileiro e empresas privadas.
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