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Brazilian visa for U.S. citizens: modalities, rules, period of stay and more.

In this text, you will read how U.S. citizens can get a Brazilian Visa or live in Brasil. In addition, you will understand the periods of stay and what is needed for Brazilian naturalization, if that is your interest!

You will find the following topics covered:

  • Do Americans need a visa for Brazil?;
  • How much is a Brazilian visa?;
  • How to get a visa and how long does it take?;
  • The period of stay for U.S. citizens in Brazil without a visa;
  • How much bank balance is required for a Brazilian visa?;
  • Temporary residence and permanent residence for U.S. citizens in Brazil.

Do Americans need a visa for Brazil?

It depends! American citizens do not need a visa if they are traveling to Brazil for the purpose of tourism, business, or temporary activities. The period of stay can be up to 90 days and extended for plus 90. However, if you intend to stay in the country for a longer period, you must get a Visa according to your travel purpose. In addition, if your desire is to live in Brazil then you’ll need residence authorization.

How much is a Brazilian visa for U.S. citizens?

The cost of a Brazilian visa for U.S. citizens is $160.00.

The price of the Brazilian visa may vary due to several factors, including the category of visa requested, the country of origin of the applicant, the duration of the visa, the purpose of the trip, the processing fee, and even the current Gold value. Also, the amounts may differ depending on the Embassy or Consulate responsible for processing the application.

For example, values ​​may be higher for citizens of countries considered high-risk or that have a recent history of illegal immigration to Brazil. In general, the price of the Brazilian visa is established by the Brazilian Government and may be revised periodically, for example, once a year. It’s important that applicants check the updated values ​​on the website of the responsible Embassy or Consulate before applying.

How does a US citizen get a Brazilian visa?

A U.S. citizen can request a Brazilian Visa through the e-consular website. However, it’s also possible to visit one of the Embassies or Consulates of Brazil in the United Estates to continue the process. It’s important to have all the required documents and also pay the requested fees.

How long does it take to get a Brazilian visa for U.S. citizens?

Actually, there is no assertive estimate! In other words, it depends on the Embassy or Consulate handling the process. Therefore, it’s important to start the process in advance to avoid problems.

Note that we have been following many cases on this issue and, in general, they are taking about 2 – 6 months. But it is not an official term/deadline, so you might experience a longer wait.

How long can a US citizen stay in Brazil without a visa?

A U.S. citizen can stay in Brazil without a visa for 90 days. As mentioned before, the stay can be extended for more than 90 days if desired.

How do I book an appointment for a Brazilian Visa?

In order to make an appointment for a Brazilian visa, you need to access the website e-consular. Also, the official website provides information and addresses of Embassies and Consulates if necessary the presence of the interested U.S citizen.

How much is the bank balance required for a Brazilian visa?

It depends on the type of visa you are interested in getting. For example, retirees and pensioners might apply for a special Visa, which requires proof of a $2000.00 monthly net income. On the other hand, digital nomads must prove $1500.00 monthly, from a work contract with a foreign company. So, you must verify the best visa for your case and the specific requirements, including the bank balance.

How can a U.S. citizen renew a Brazilian visa?

A U.S. citizen can renew her/his Brazilian visa by attending a Federal Police in Brazil. In addition, you must appear in person to proceed with the request.

Visa requirements for us citizens

You’ll need:

  • A valid U.S. passport;
  • U.S. citizens do not need a visa if they travel to Brazil for tourism, business, transit, artistic or sports activities, with no intention of establishing residence;
  • For other types of travel, U.S. citizens may need to apply for a Brazilian visa either online here or at the nearest Brazilian consulate in the United States or abroad;
  • Find a Brazilian consulate in the United States.

Other requirements may apply, according to the type of visa you’ll request.

Temporary residence for U.S. citizens in Brazil

It’s essential to keep in mind that if your visa is valid for 12 months or less, you need to arrive in Brazil and start analyzing and organizing the documents to request residence. That’s because there are a few steps and cautions to apply.

Generally, a U.S. citizen has 2 years to stay in Brazil temporarily, but this term can vary to more or less time.

In addition, each visa has its form of residence permit modality. So analyze your situation carefully!

Permanent Brazilian Visa for U.S. citizens

For a Permanent Brazilian visa to U.S. citizens, you need to start organizing your documents in advance. Including your CRNM, because it’s also important.

Once you have everything organized you can apply for a permanent residence permit 90 days before your temporary residence permit expires. To know the detailed step-by-step, read our article about Permanent Residence for Foreigners.

Brazilian citizenship for us citizens: is it possible?

Yes, it is! After living 4 uninterrupted years in Brazil and having proficiency in Portuguese, you may be eligible for Brazilian ordinary naturalization.

However, if you have a Brazilian child or are married to a Brazilian citizen, this residence time may drop to 1 year.

How does the Brazilian digital nomad visa work for U.S. citizens?

The Brazilian Digital Nomad visa for U.S. citizens requires that:

  • you have a work contract with a foreign company with a monthly income of, at least, $1500.00;
  • your work can be done remotely through informational and communication technologies.

We explained details in our article about the Brazilian digital nomad visa.

How does the Brazilian visa for retired or pensioners work for U.S. citizens?

If you are retired or pensioner, you must have a foreign source of income in the amount of US$2000.00 net per month. The total amount can be the sum of your pension with another source of income, for example, rent. This visa has a period of up to 2 years.

How does the Brazilian family reunion visa work for U.S. citizens?

A Brazilian Visa for Family Reunion needs that you have a “caller”, a person that is already in Brazil. The caller must be a Brazilian citizen (born or naturalized) or a foreigner who has a long-stay visa or any kind of residence authorization.

You must have some sort of close relationship with the caller. For example parents, spouses, and children.

How does the Brazilian Real Estate Investor visa work for U.S. citizens?

A Real Estate Investor Visa requires an investment in urban real estate. The minimum value is R$1.000.000,00 for acquisitions in the south, midwest, and southeast regions of Brazil. However, if you want to buy or invest in Real Estate in the Northeast or North regions, the minimum value is reduced to R$700.000,00!

How does the Brazilian business investor visa work for U.S. citizens?

A Business Investor Visa requires an investment in a traditional company or start-up company. For innovation companies, Brazil offers benefits for the investor, such as a smaller minimum value of the investment. The minimum amount may vary between R$150.000,00 and R$600.000,00 according to the type of company and investment.

This Visa can last up to 4 years.

Now you know more details about how to get a Brazilian visa, being a U.S. citizen.

It’s essential to understand the best strategy for your case! Learn the steps and, if you still have doubts, talk to us. We may create a strategy that fits your need.

Eduardo Koetz

Eduardo Koetz, advogado inscrito nas OAB/SC 42.934, OAB/RS 73.409, OAB/PR 72.951, OAB/SP 435.266, OAB/MG 204.531, sócio e fundador da Koetz Advocacia. Se formou em Direito na Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos e realizou pós-graduação em Direi...

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