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Who needs a visa to enter Brazil?

It’s common for doubts to arise when traveling to another country. After all, you need to organize yourself first and only then leave your home country. Therefore, who needs a visa to enter Brazil? And what are the visas to enter Brazil?

Now, see the necessary measures so that you have a peaceful trip understand the main steps, and guarantee a hassle-free arrival in Brazil.

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What is necessary for a foreigner to enter Brazil?

Firstly, before answering the question “Who needs a visa to enter Brazil?”, keep in mind that what is necessary for a foreigner to enter Brazil is a verification of their nationality and the reason for coming to the country. Above all, it’s important to check the reason for traveling to Brazil and whether the country you are traveling from requires a visa for your arrival.

This is because some foreigners can enter the country only with a passport or other identification document. For example, the case of Mercosur countries, where only an identity card is required.

What vaccinations are required to enter Brazil?

There is no mandatory vaccination to enter Brazil. However, it is best for foreigners to update their vaccinations before arriving in the country. The Ministry of Health recommends that, in particular, the following vaccines are up to date:

  • yellow fever;
  • polio;
  • measles;
  • rubella;
  • diphtheria;
  • tetanus;
  • COVID, with a complete vaccination schedule, or test if you do not have a complete vaccination schedule.

The issue of the Covid vaccine is regulated by INTERMINISTERIAL ORDINANCE No. 670, OF APRIL 1, 2022.

How many times can a foreigner come to Brazil?

The times a foreigner can come to Brazil are defined by the type of visa or residence permit. However, foreigners are allowed to enter the country multiple times, as long as they respect the maximum period of stay of 90 days, for shorter visas, which can be extended for another 90 days. But you’ll understand who needs a visa to enter Brazil ahead in the text.

Furthermore, foreigners who have the right to enter Brazil without needing a visit visa will also be allowed multiple entries into the country. However, it’s important that foreigners respect the days granted by the Brazilian Government during the migration year.

The text continues after the form.

How to get a visa for Brazil?

To obtain a visa for Brazil to enter Brazil, you must fill out a form on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs website. Remember to check which visa is ideal and correct for your case, before applying. This way you avoid major headaches, such as losing your stay permit in the country before the time you need it.

Afterward, to obtain the visa, you must send the form, valid travel document, and proof of payment of fees to the Brazilian consular post where you are.

Furthermore, it is important to be sure of the way in which the specific consular post receives visa requests, which can be via the e-consular website, email, by post, or in person.

How much does a visa cost to enter Brazil?

The cost of the visa to enter Brazil depends on your country of origin. That is the country’s currency. However, the prices for each visa can be consulted in the Migration Law. Besides, who needs a visa to enter Brazil is also determined by your country.

The price of a Brazilian visa can vary depending on several factors, including the category of visa requested, the applicant’s country of origin, the duration of the visa, the purpose of the trip, the processing fee, and even the current value of Gold. Furthermore, the amounts may differ depending on the embassy or consulate responsible for processing the request. For example, values ​​may be higher for citizens of countries considered high-risk or that have a recent history of illegal immigration to Brazil.

In general, the price of a Brazilian visa is established by the Brazilian Government and can be revised periodically, for example, once a year. It is important that applicants check the updated values ​​on the website of the responsible embassy or consulate before making the request.

What is the maximum period that a foreigner can stay in Brazil?

The limit period for a foreigner to stay in Brazil depends on their specific nationality (when arriving in the country without a visit visa) or the type of visa or residence permit they have.

Likewise, the visit visa will have a stay period of up to 90 days, which can be extended by the Federal Police for up to 90 more days. However, the maximum stay period in Brazil cannot exceed 180 days per migratory year.

What happens if a foreigner stays in Brazil with an expired visa?

Foreigners who stay in Brazil with an expired visa will have to pay a fine of a minimum of R$100.00 and a maximum of R$10,000.00. Furthermore, foreigners who stay in Brazil with an expired visa may be deported.

However, the foreigner has the right to an administrative process and defense so that this deportation does not occur. So, if this is your case, speak to a lawyer specializing in immigration law.

If you would like to speak to our team to regularize your situation, click here to access our service area and speak to us.

Which foreigners do not need a visa to enter Brazil?

Foreigners who do not need a visa to enter Brazil are those whose nationality Brazil has diplomatic agreements with and are exempt the foreigner from entering the country without a visa. For example, countries that are part of Mercosur or countries bordering Brazil.

However, the foreigner will not be able to stay in Brazil if the maximum days of stay are not respected. It is possible to consult the deadlines and nationalities that do or do not need a visa in the General Framework of the Brazilian Government.

Can I apply for my visa alone, without the help of a lawyer?

Yes, you can apply for your visa alone, that is, without the help of a lawyer. However, you need to be very careful with your documentation or your visa may be denied. This can happen if you do not comply with the requirements requested by the Brazilian Government. Furthermore, the government is not obliged to grant the visa, so it is a good idea to seek information or support to understand the best strategy for your case.

This way, a specialist lawyer can help check the necessary information and avoid any errors.

What are the risks of applying for a visa to enter Brazil without guidance from a specialist lawyer?

The risk of applying for a visa to enter Brazil without guidance from a specialist lawyer is the confusion that occurs when applying for a visa or residence permit. Therefore, even if you place the order correctly, the step-by-step process may not be done correctly. In other words, the visa is denied due to some detail. The main errors that occur are related to documents and filling out forms.

Likewise, there are chances that the Brazilian Government will require specific, additional documents to actually analyze the request. Therefore, it’s easier for a specialist lawyer to deal with the requests that the foreigner must comply with when presenting documents.

When is it mandatory to have a lawyer to enter Brazil?

In fact, there is no obligation for you to have a lawyer. However, it is advisable that you understand the steps well to avoid problems and have a smooth arrival.

What are the facilities and advantages of having a lawyer help me with the visa to enter Brazil?

The facilities and advantages of having a lawyer helping you when applying for a visa are the specialist’s knowledge, both in bureaucratic and cultural terms. For example, we have already handled cases in which immigrants were assessed at immigration and would be deported. When talking to clients, we realized that the person who was evaluating was prejudiced against the nationality of that specific immigrant and therefore wanted to deport them. With this in mind, we were able to guide the client to resolve the situation in the best way (waiting for the shift change, when a non-prejudiced agent would arrive).

While the process is tiring and bureaucratic, the lawyer makes a difference when organizing documents, forms, and the relationship requested by the Brazilian government. In addition to making essential orders.

Therefore, cases are specific and a qualified lawyer will have the necessary knowledge to fully assess the situation.

Consequently, a lawyer assisting in the visa process makes the procedure easier and faster.

However, it is important to remember that the result is not a guarantee, as the decision rests exclusively with the Government of Brazil.

Do Indians need a visa to enter Brazil?

Yes. Indians need a visa to enter Brazil, in accordance with the General Framework of Visa Regime for Brazil of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. As well as other countries that require a visa.

Do Colombians need a visa to enter Brazil?

No. A Colombian foreigner does not need any type of visa to enter Brazil. A visa is not required for a period of 90 days of stay in Brazil. However, if you wish to stay longer, you will need to undergo other procedures. These procedures vary depending on the Colombian’s needs.

Furthermore, Colombians can enter only by presenting an identity card.

Do Americans need a visa to enter Brazil?

In the same way, no. Americans do not need any type of visa to enter Brazil. A visa is not required for a period of 90 days of stay in Brazil. But if you want to stay longer in Brazil, you need to evaluate the best strategy.

Do Lebanese people need a visa to enter Brazil?

Yes. Lebanese need a visa to enter Brazil, still in accordance with the General Framework of Visa Regime for Brazil of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, when taking its rules into account.

Do Moroccans need a visa to enter Brazil?

No. In principle, Moroccans do not need any type of visa to enter Brazil. Therefore, the visa is also dispensable for a period of 90 days of stay in Brazil.

Eduardo Koetz

Eduardo Koetz, advogado inscrito nas OAB/SC 42.934, OAB/RS 73.409, OAB/PR 72.951, OAB/SP 435.266, OAB/MG 204.531, sócio e fundador da Koetz Advocacia. Se formou em Direito na Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos e realizou pós-graduação em Direi...

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