Retirement of Immigrant who worked in two countries
Retirement of immigrant who have worked in two or more countries can benefit from international social security agreements. After all, social security and welfare agreements can ensure mutual assistance for workers from various countries.
Retirement of Immigrants with Contributions in Two or More Countries
To qualify for immigrant retirement using the contributions made in two or more countries in the calculation, support from international social security agreements is required. Consequently, it’s possible to count the periods contributed in different countries to obtain retirement benefits elsewhere.
Koetz Advocacia is a law firm specialized in immigrant retirement and international benefits. The firm serves Brazilians and foreigners from anywhere in the world through online services for benefit claims and social security protection. So, if you need retirement of immigrant, check the information below or contact us!
In Brazil, there are agreements that allow this counting with dozens of countries, including:
Multilateral International Social Security Agreements for Retirement of immigrant
- Mercosur
- Iberoamerican
- CPLP (Portuguese-speaking countries) – still pending
International Social Security Agreements by Country
- Germany
- Andorra
- Argentina
- Belgium
- Bolivia
- Cape Verde
- Canada and Quebec
- Chile
- Colombia
- Costa Rica
- South Korea
- Cuba and Cuban social security in Brazil
- Ecuador
- El Salvador
- Spain
- United States
- France
- Guatemala
- Greece
- Honduras
- Italy
- Japan
- Luxembourg
- Mozambique
- Nicaragua
- Panama
- Paraguay
- Peru
- Portugal
- Dominican Republic
- Switzerland
- Uruguay
- Venezuela
Countries with international social security agreements already signed with Brazil pending ratification
- Mozambique
- Bulgaria
- India
- Czech Republic
- Israel
- Multilateral Agreement of the Community of Portuguese-Speaking Countries under negotiation
Countries with open negotiations for international social security agreements with Brazil
- Austria
- Ukraine
However, the legal possibility of expanding this understanding is being discussed and evolving. Therefore, if one of the two countries has a social security agreement with other countries, the agreement could be expanded in a way. In other words, the possibilities of retirement of immigrant are also expanded.
After informations about retirement of immigrant, read our content on the legalization of foreign workers and the reception of refugees in Brazil
- Rights to work and social security for Immigrants and Refugees in Brazil
- When an immigrant has the right to stay in Brazil
- The foreigner’s right to work in Brazil: step by step
- Permanent residence for foreigners in Brazil
- Refugees in Brazil today
- Refugee, immigrant, or exile: what are the differences?
- The hiring of refugees by Brazilian companies
- Provisional document of national migratory registration
- Job opportunities for foreigners in Brazil today
- How to apply for a humanitarian visa?
- How to apply for a refugee visa in Brazil?
- What are the types of naturalization for foreigners in Brazil?
Retirement of Brazilian immigrants abroad
- How to contribute to INSS while living abroad?
- Brazilian law on the payment of benefits in foreign countries and the retention of 25% of IRPF at the source
- Countries where there is no withholding tax on Brazilian benefits
- The principle of equality among retirees and the suspension of IRPF collection
- International assistance for insured persons and beneficiaries in Brazil and countries with agreements – liaison offices
- Apostille of Documents and Hague Apostille
- Brazilians abroad do not lose social security rights
*Update October 2021: it should be noted that the issue of the 25% withholding tax has been submitted for evaluation in the STF and is expected to be judged in the coming years, remaining pending in the judiciary until then.
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Eduardo Koetz
Eduardo Koetz, advogado inscrito nas OAB/SC 42.934, OAB/RS 73.409, OAB/PR 72.951, OAB/SP 435.266, OAB/MG 204.531, sócio e fundador da Koetz Advocacia. Se formou em Direito na Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos e realizou pós-graduação em Direi...
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