The image shows an adult sprinter, in the starting position, ready to run on a race track, and illustrates the text: Brazilian visa for artistic or sporting activities, byKoetz Advocacia.

Brazilian visa for artistic or sporting activities

The Brazilian visa for artistic or sporting activities is a short-term permit for foreign artists and athletes to participate in cultural or sporting events in Brazil. Find out now the requirements and the length of time for permission to remain in the country.

If you are a foreigner and require legal support for any type of Brazilian visa, consult our specialized team by clicking here.

What is it the Brazilian visa for artistic or sporting?

The Brazilian visa for artistic or sporting activities is a type of short-term visa that allows foreign artists and athletes to participate in cultural or sporting events in Brazil. This visa is issued by the Brazilian Consulate in the applicant’s country of origin.

What is the maximum length of stay in Brazil with this visa?

The visa for artistic or sporting activities has an expected residence period of up to 01 (one) year.

The text continues after form.

Can I renew the visa?

No. After 1 year, you must return to your home country.

How long after leaving Brazil can I apply for this visa again?

There is no minimum time established to reapply for a visa for artistic or sporting activities after leaving Brazil.

However, each visa application is assessed individually and there is no guarantee that a previously granted visa will guarantee the granting of a new visa for a new application.

You must follow all procedures and requirements established by the Brazilian consulate to increase the chances of approval of the request.

What are the requirements for the Brazilian visa for artistic or sporting?

In principle, the main requirements are:

  • Completed and signed visa application form;
  • Valid passport with at least six months of validity from the date of entry into Brazil;
  • Recent photo (size 3×4 cm) with white background;
  • Proof of residence in the applicant’s country of origin;
  • Invitation or contract with the company promoting the event in Brazil, which must include information about the event, the activity to be carried out, the date and location of the event, as well as information about remuneration, if any;
  • Proof of financial means to cover your expenses while in Brazil;
  • Proof of ties with the country of origin, such as an employment contract, enrollment in an educational institution or ownership of assets;
  • Criminal record.

Where and how to order the Brazilian visa for artistic or sporting?

The visa is issued by the Ministry of Labor and may grant prior residence authorization to carry out artistic or sporting activities, in accordance with art. 46 of Decree No. 9,199, of 2017. Only after issuing the authorization, the interested party must appear at the Consulate General.

The process to obtain a visa includes submitting documents such as:

  • Valid passport
  • Invitation letter from the institution responsible for the activity to be carried out in Brazil
  • Trip itinerary
  • Financial proof
  • Between others.

How long does the process take before a response comes from the Consulate or Embassy?

The time may vary depending on the country and Consulate or Embassy in question, as well as the number of requests they are processing at that time.

In general, the process can take anywhere from a few weeks to a few months to complete.

Applicants should begin the application process well in advance to ensure they have sufficient time to receive a response from the Consulate or Embassy before their scheduled travel date.

Additionally, in some cases, the Consulate or Embassy may ask you to provide additional documentation or conduct additional interviews with consular or immigration authorities. These additional requirements may further increase the time it takes to analyze your visa application.

In some cases, you may also need to schedule an interview at the Consulate. This will be informed to you after the request has been initiated by the Consulate or the responsible lawyer who is assisting with your process.

What could go wrong?

There are some situations that can go wrong during the application process for this type of visa. Some of them include:

  • Incomplete or inadequate documentation: If the documentation provided by the applicant is incomplete or inadequate, this may result in the visa application being rejected;
  • Problems with the passport’s validity period: the applicant’s passport must be valid for at least six months after the expected date of entry into Brazil. If the passport does not meet this requirement, the visa may be denied;
  • Criminal record: if the applicant has a criminal record or any other travel restriction, this may prevent the visa from being issued;
  • Reasons for travel not consistent with the activities permitted by the visa: this specific type of visa is issued for artistic or sporting activities in Brazil. If the applicant does not have a plausible justification for the trip or if the purpose of the trip is not compatible with the requested visa, the request may be denied;
  • Issues with the invitation letter: the invitation letter is an important document that must be provided by the institution responsible for the activity to be carried out in Brazil. If there are issues with this letter, such as inaccurate information or missing details, this may result in the application being rejected.

How can I prevent myself?

To prevent problems when applying for a visa for sporting and artistic activities, you must follow some recommendations:

  • Check Brazilian visa requirements: each country has specific requirements for issuing a visa for sporting and artistic activities. Check these requirements in advance and make sure you have all the necessary documentation;
  • Plan ahead: Start planning your trip early enough to have time to obtain all necessary documents and resolve potential issues;
  • Make sure you have all your documents in order: check that you have all the necessary documents, including your passport, qualification certificates, employment contracts and official invitations.

How can an international lawyer help me?

An international lawyer can be useful in obtaining a Brazilian visa for sporting and artistic activities. Some ways an international lawyer can help you include:

  • Check visa requirements: an international lawyer can help you understand Brazilian visa requirements for sporting and artistic activities, including the necessary documentation and processing deadlines;
  • Prepare documentation: assistance when preparing the necessary documentation for applying for a visa, including official invitations, proof of sporting and artistic activities, among others;
  • Monitor the application process: the international lawyer can monitor the visa application process, ensuring that all steps are completed and that the documentation is delivered correctly and on time;
  • Resolve problems: if problems occur with the visa application, such as delays or refusals, the international lawyer will assist and resolve these problems, presenting appeals and contacting the responsible authorities.

How to prepare for the Brazilian visa for artistic or sporting?

In summary, the visa for artistic or sporting activities is an option for foreign artists and athletes to participate in cultural or sporting events in Brazil, with an expected residence period of up to one year.

The main requirements for the request are: completed application form, valid passport, recent photo, proof of residence, invitation, or contract with the company promoting the event, proof of financial means and criminal record.

Therefore, the visa process can take a few weeks to a few months, and you should start your application in advance to avoid unforeseen circumstances.

Carolina Correa

Advogada (OAB/RS 127.271), é bacharel em Relações Internacionais e pós-graduanda em Direito Previdenciário. Atualmente, trabalha na Koetz Advocacia, sendo responsável pelo atendimento e avaliação dos novos casos de estrangeiros que desejam vi...

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