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Visa for foreign investors in Brazil – What are the requirements?

A visa for a foreign investor in Brazil is possible when an investment of foreign capital in the country can be proved. Thus, the investor will be allowed to live in Brazil and secure some rights. However, important details must be kept in mind. Understand in the text below.

If you wish to be assisted by a specialist lawyer to obtain your Brazilian foreign investor visa, click here.

Visa for a foreign investor in Brazil

The visa for foreign investors in Brazil, better called an investment-based residence authorization, is an option for non-Brazilian entrepreneurs who wish to invest funds in Brazil and at the same time live here.

Thus, it’s possible to invest as an individual in a Brazilian company or a real estate venture. After demonstrating the foreign capital investment in a Brazilian company, the person becomes eligible to apply for a permanent visa in Brazil. To learn more about how to obtain the visa, read until the end. And if you want to understand other types of visas for foreigners in Brazil, click here.

The text continues after the form.

How to obtain this type of visa?

To obtain a visa for foreign investors in Brazil, it is necessary to first invest in a Brazilian company an amount of at least R$500,000, or R$150,000 for investments in innovation projects.

Hence, the request for a prior residence permit to obtain a visa approval in this modality, according to Normative Resolution number 13, of December 12, 2017, must be accompanied by the following documents:

  • Articles of incorporation or constitutive act of the company benefiting from the investment, registered with the competent body, with the foreign capital invested duly paid in;
  • Proof of foreign investment, upon presentation of the Current Corporate Structure – Declaratory Registration of Direct Foreign Investment in Brazil – of the Central Bank system, proving the payment of the investment in the receiving company, and exchange contract issued by the Bank receiving the investment, in the codes that characterize foreign direct investment;
  • Investment or Business Plan under art. 4th; and
  • other documents that are listed in Normative Resolution No. 01/2017 of the National Immigration Council.

Thus, if you are already in national territory and want a visa for a foreign investor in Brazil, the following documents will be requested:

  • Application mentioning the process that granted the previous residence permit;
  • Carteira de Registro Nacional Migratório – CRNM (National Migration Registration Card);
  • Copy of the income tax declaration of the company’s last fiscal year and the respective delivery receipt;
  • A copy of the Relação Anual de Informações Sociais – RAIS (Annual List of Social Information) relating to the last three years, which demonstrates the fulfillment of the generation of jobs foreseen in the Investment Plan; and
  • Copy of the last payment form of the Fundo de Garantia do Tempo de Serviço – FGTS (Employee Severance Indemnity Fund), together with the list of employees.

Who can obtain a foreign investor visa?

As mentioned previously, the individual who can invest the minimum amount under the required conditions is eligible for an investor visa. Additionally, it will also be possible to regularize their legal dependent’s stay in Brazil only with their investment. That is, children and partners may apply for a visa without the need for new investment.

In this sense, if you would like legal assistance from our specialized lawyers for a visa as an investor or to regularize your stay in Brazil, click here to access the service area and request yours.

Text continues after infographic.

The image shows an infographic about Types of Foreign Investment in Brazil.
Section 1: Direct Investment
Foreign companies invest in a company or create their operation in Brazil, and may acquire a majority or minority stake.
Section 2: Investment by Credit (Mutual)
Investors “lend” money to Brazilian companies at interest. In general, this investment will later become direct, but it is done initially to avoid risks before validating the investment.
Section 3: Investing in Stocks and Bonds
Investments in Brazilian companies' shares or Brazilian Government bonds through financial brokerages.
Section 4: Investment Funds
Investments in funds managed by management companies, invested in Brazilian companies or assets.
Section 5: Real Estate Investment
Acquisition of real estate in Brazil, such as houses, apartments, or land, for construction, housing, resale or rental.

Investor visa: Brazilian option!

In summary, you must pay attention to the documents required for the visa to be granted. The investor visa brings interesting benefits that may be right for you. Brazil presents business opportunities that may be of interest to any type of person interested in investing!

Eduardo Koetz

Eduardo Koetz, advogado inscrito nas OAB/SC 42.934, OAB/RS 73.409, OAB/PR 72.951, OAB/SP 435.266, OAB/MG 204.531, sócio e fundador da Koetz Advocacia. Se formou em Direito na Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos e realizou pós-graduação em Direi...

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