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Requirements for a Brazilian Visa

In this text, we are going to talk about the main doubts that involve the Brazilian visa, in addition to costs, means of obtaining it, and main documents. Understand the essential requirements for a Brazilian visa, check it out!

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In this text you gonna read:

  • How easy is it to get a Brazilian visa?;
  • Requirements for a Brazilian visa, such as documents and fees;
  • How much bank balance is required;
  • online visa, in person, or through other channels;
  • Benefits of having a lawyer;
  • Pros and cons of trying to get a visa alone.

Is a Brazilian Visa easy to get?

It depends if you have enough proof of the justification you’re trying. That means: when you apply for a Visa, you must choose a modality, which depends on the reasons why you want to enter a certain country. For example, if you want to travel for tourism, you’ll need a visit visa. The requirements are easier than a work visa because in the second case, you must have a work contract with a Brazilian company.

What documents are needed for a Brazilian Visa?

The general documents and requirements for a Brazilian visa are:

  • Valid passport;
  • One passport-size photograph;
  • Visa application form;
  • Sufficient Funds;
  • Receipt of consular fee payment;
  • Specific documents according to the Visa you are applying for.

After you finish reading this introductory article, I recommend you go to the one we explain the types of Brazilian Visas according to Travel purposes. There you can check the list of available visas.

How much does a Visa cost in Brazil?

The price of the Brazilian visa depends on the foreigner’s country of origin and the specific type of visa. However, for Americans, for example, the usual charge is $160.

The price of the Brazilian visa may vary due to several factors, including the category of visa requested, the country of origin of the applicant, the duration of the visa, the purpose of the trip, the processing fee, and even the current Gold value. Also, the amounts may differ depending on the Embassy or Consulate responsible for processing the application.

For example, values ​​may be higher for citizens of countries considered high-risk or that have a recent history of illegal immigration to Brazil. In general, the price of the Brazilian visa is established by the Brazilian Government and may be revised periodically, for example, once a year. It’s important that applicants check the updated values ​​on the website of the responsible Embassy or Consulate before applying.

The text continues after the form.

How much bank balance is required for a Brazilian Visa?

It depends on how long you intend to stay in Brazil. In addition,  each Embassy or Consulate may require a different amount.

Ideally, you must have at least proof of income from the last three months.

But we can mention some specific examples too:

  • digital nomad: USD1500.00 or US$18,000 bunk funds;
  • retiree or pensioner: monthly income of USD2000.00 net (you can combine pension with another source of income if needed).

However, the more proof of banking content, the better. Therefore, prior to applying, be sure you’ll fit the requirements for a Brazilian visa.

How do I get a visa to travel to Brazil?

The Brazilian Government offers an online option, the “e-consular” system. However, if the Embassy or Consulate in your country does not offer this service, you must attend in person or get in touch via e-mail or mail to apply for a Brazilian visa.

How do I apply for a Brazilian Visa online?

You can use the online system called e-consular. Through the official website of the Brazilian Government, it’s accessible to fill out the requested forms, send documents and pay fees and all of the requirements for a Brazilian visa.

However, you must pay attention to whether the specific Embassy or Consulate offers this type of service. If not, you’ll need to apply in person or get in touch via email or mail.

Can I visit Brazil with a US visa?

No, but you can enter Brazil with an American passport.

That’s because a visa permits a person to enter a certain country. So if you have a U.S. Visa, you are allowed to enter that specific country.

On the other hand, the passport is a document connected to your origin or naturalization. Therefore, if Brazil does not require visas for people from certain countries, whoever has a passport to that country, can enter Brazil without Visa if they want to travel for a “visit”.

That is the case with the U.S. passport. In this modality (visit), the length of stay is currently 90 days.

How can a lawyer help me with my Brazilian Visa?

A qualified lawyer can be a way to increase your chances of getting a Brazilian visa, because of the normal difficulties and requirements for a Brazilian visa. Therefore, the gathering of documents, payment of fees, and access to official Brazilian bodies are more facilitated.

What are the benefits of asking for a Brazilian visa by myself?

The main benefit is saving money if you are on a budget. On the other hand, you might face a high amount of bureaucracy and doubts about which is the best strategy for your case.

However, you can do the entire procedure yourself without encountering any difficulties. If you are certain that the visa you are applying for is correct, everything is filled in correctly, the fees are paid, and you have time to dedicate, the procedure tends to work out.

What are the risks of applying for the visa by myself?

The risks you may face when applying for the visa alone are:

  • applying for the wrong Visa;
  • little or no time to dedicate to the process;
  • losing deadlines;
  • missing documents;
  • forgetting to translate and/or apostille the documents;
  • facing the bureaucracy alone.

It may happen that you do not attach the necessary documents, and requirements for a Brazilian visa, as well as not fill out the form correctly, in addition to not paying the fees required by the Brazilian Government. A specialized lawyer can help speed up the process and take care of the entire procedure more adequately.

Eduardo Koetz

Eduardo Koetz, advogado inscrito nas OAB/SC 42.934, OAB/RS 73.409, OAB/PR 72.951, OAB/SP 435.266, OAB/MG 204.531, sócio e fundador da Koetz Advocacia. Se formou em Direito na Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos e realizou pós-graduação em Direi...

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