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Renewal of the Brazilian Migratory National Registry Card

The renewal of the Brazilian Migratory National Registry Card requires some precautions. See the necessary documents and avoid surprises in the process. 

What is the National Migratory Registry Card? 

The National Migratory Registry Card (Carteira de Registro Nacional Migratório – CRNM) came to replace the old Foreign Identity Card (Registro Nacional Migratório – RNM). Thus, since 2017 there has been this change due to the institution of Migration Law No. 13.445 of May 24, 2017. 

The CRNM is mandatory for temporary immigrants in Brazil. It is an ID Card for foreigners and is valid throughout the national territory. 

Furthermore, this new model presents modern security items, such as QR Code, optical, and anti-stoke security ink, to meet document requirements for international travel. In addition, the CRNM is valid for nine years. 

Renewal of the Brazilian Migratory National Registry Card

The renewal of the Brazilian Migratory National Registry Card is only done in person, before its expiration date. In this case, the process must be initiated at the Brazilian Federal Police (PF) three months before the expiration. 

For the renewal, it’s necessary to make an appointment through the official PF website. On the scheduled day, the individual must bring all the documents required for the renewal of the card, according to the requested procedure. 

For the Permanent CRNM, there is no fine, in case it expires. However, if due to the expiration of Temporary Cards, a fine of R$ 100,00 is charged per day, from the expiration date. 

Renewal of Term 

In cases of renewal of the term, the request for substitution of the CRNM must be made 90 days in advance of the expiration. For this, the replacement of the card is made through an application, regardless of whether it is valid for 9 years (indefinite residence period) or the renewal according to the residence period (which can vary from case to case). 

A list of documents must be presented: 

  • Form filled in the National Migratory Registration System (SISMIGRA); 
  • National Migratory Registry Card (CRNM); 
  • One recent 3×4 color photo, white background, smooth paper, taken from the front; 
  • Declaration of electronic address and other means of contact; 
  • Declaration, under penalty of law, that there is no present any of the causes of loss of residence authorization provided for in article 135 of Decree No. 9.199 of 2017;
  • Proof of payment of fees for issuing the National Migratory Registry Card (around R$ 204,77). 

However, documents issued abroad must comply with the rules of sworn translation and be apostilled according to the Hague Apostille Convention

Change of national migration registry 

If the immigrant has the name changed for any of the reasons below, the change must be requested duly instructed with documentary evidence. 

  • Marriage
  • Stable Union
  • Annulment and nullity of marriage, divorce, judicial separation, and dissolution of stable union; 
  • Acquisition of nationality different from that of the registry; 
  • and Loss of nationality in the registry. 

The process is similar to the renewal. Thus, the individual must schedule a time through the Brazilian Federal Police website and appear on the day with the necessary documentation to proceed with the process. In this case, the necessary documents are: 

  • Form filled in the SISMIGRA system; 
  • National Migratory Registry Card (CRNM); 
  • One recent 3×4 color photo, white background, smooth paper, taken from the front; 
  • Declaration of electronic address and other means of contact; 
  • Proof of payment of the fee for issuing the National Migratory Registry Card (R$ 204,77); 
  • Documents proving the requested cadastral change: 
  • Change of name in the National Migratory Registry: 
  • Birth certificate; or 
  • Marriage certificate; or 
  • Consular certificate of the country of nationality; or 
  • Judicial justification. 
  • Change of RNM by acquisition or loss of nationality: 
  • Certificate or consular registration proving the nationality of origin, issued by the Embassy or Consulate in Brazil and, when applicable with proof of loss of nationality of the registry; 
  • Travel document, certificate, or consular registration, of the new nationality, issued by the Embassy or Consulate in Brazil; and
  • Declaration, under penalty of law, of the absence of criminal record in any country, in the five years before the date of request. 

It’s also important to remember that documents issued abroad must comply with the rules of sworn translation and be apostilled, according to the Hague Apostille Convention. 

Rectification of the national migration registry due to a material error in the process 

If there is a data error in the registry and issuance of the CRNM, it will be rectified by the Federal Police through an appointment on the official website. 

For this, the documentation requested by the PF is as follows: 

  • Form filled in the SISMIGRA system; 
  • One recent 3×4 color photo, white background, smooth paper, taken from the front; 
  • Declaration of electronic address and other means of contact;
  • National Migratory Registry Card.
Eduardo Koetz

Eduardo Koetz, advogado inscrito nas OAB/SC 42.934, OAB/RS 73.409, OAB/PR 72.951, OAB/SP 435.266, OAB/MG 204.531, sócio e fundador da Koetz Advocacia. Se formou em Direito na Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos e realizou pós-graduação em Direi...

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