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Provisional Brazilian Document of Migration: what you need to know!

The Provisional Brazilian Document of Migration is issued free of charge by the Federal Police and only for those who qualify as refugees in Brazil.

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What is the Provisional Document of National Migration Registration?

Decree Nº. 9,277/2018 provides for the Provisional Brazilian Document of Migration (DPRNM) and the recognition of refugee status in Brazil. Thus, this document was instituted with the new Migration Law and is exclusive to those foreigners who fit the refugee status.

Who are considered refugees?

Foreigners can come and reside in Brazil in different situations. Among them are immigrants, asylum seekers, and refugees, but the provisional document of national migration registration was enacted to meet the needs of refugees in Brazil. Any individual who:

“I – due to well-founded fears of persecution for reasons of race, religion, nationality, social group or political opinion, he is outside his country of nationality and is unable or unwilling to accept the protection of such country;

II – having no nationality and being outside the country where he previously had his habitual residence, he is unable or unwilling to return there, due to the circumstances described in the previous item;

III – due to a serious and widespread violation of human rights, he is obliged to leave his country of nationality to seek refuge in another country”.

Furthermore, these conditions are extended to spouses, ascendants or descendants, and other members of the family group who are economically dependent on the refugee – if they are also in the national territory.

The text continues after the form.

What is the purpose of the DPRNM?

The Provisional Brazilian Document of Migration (DPRNM) does not replace international travel documents! However, it is allows you to:

I – Create the asylum seeker’s identification document, until the final decision of the process at the National Committee for Refugees – CONARE; It is

II – Allow the bearer to enjoy rights in Brazil, including:

    • The issuance of the provisional Employment and Social Security Card for carrying out remunerated activities in the country;
    • Opening of a bank account in an institution that is part of the national financial system;
    • Enrollment in the Individual Taxpayer Registry (CPF) of the Ministry of Finance;
    • Access to guarantees and mechanisms for protection and facilitation of social inclusion arising from the
    • Convention relating to the Status of Refugees; It is
    • Access to public services, especially education, health, social security, and social assistance.

How to obtain the Provisional Document of National Migration Registration?

The moment the immigrant receives the asylum request, the Federal Police must issue a protocol in favor of the applicant and his/her family group – if any.

Thus, with the issuance of the protocol, the Federal Police will be able to issue the Provisional Document of National Migration Registration free of charge after the presentation of some requirements.

Requirements for issuance

The Provisional Brazilian Document of Migration will only be issued upon:

  • Protocol number issued by the Federal Police;
  • Biographical and biometric data;
  • Information that the bearer:
    • cannot be deported outside the legal hypotheses; and
    • has ensured the same rights as other immigrants in a regular situation in the country and will not receive discriminatory treatment of any kind.
  • Two-dimensional barcodes, in the QR Code pattern.

The loss of validity of the Provisional Document of National Migration Registration

The DPRNM can lose its validity in three different situations. First, if the request for asylum recognition is rejected by the Brazilian government.

The second hypothesis is if the request for recognition of refuge is granted and, therefore, the right to issue the National Migratory Registration Card (CRNM).

The third way to lose the validity of the DPRNM is through the archiving or termination of the process without judgment on the merits.


Any doubt about the Provisional Brazilian Document of Migration or CRNM process can be clarified by one of our consultants. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us if you need help with the process or have any questions about how to proceed.

Carolina Correa

Advogada (OAB/RS 127.271), é bacharel em Relações Internacionais e pós-graduanda em Direito Previdenciário. Atualmente, trabalha na Koetz Advocacia, sendo responsável pelo atendimento e avaliação dos novos casos de estrangeiros que desejam vi...

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