Migration, Visas and Residence of Foreigners to Brazil /
Permanent Visa for family reunion in Brazil, how to obtain it?
A permanent visa for a family reunion in Brazil is a type of visa that allows foreigners to enter and reside in Brazil to join a close family member who is a Brazilian citizen or a permanent resident. This type of visa is intended for spouses, parents, children, or other close relatives.
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Visa for a family reunion in Brazil, how to obtain it?
A visa for a family reunion can be a great achievement for those who have a consistent family bond with a Brazilian or with someone who is living legally in Brazil and wish to keep the ties even stronger. This text explains what it is, who is eligible, and which documents to use.
What is a family reunion visa?
The permanent Visa for a family reunion in Brazil can be obtained when it is proved that you have a link with a Brazilian citizen or with someone living legally in the country. Thus, when a Brazilian is somehow connected, even with a distant relative, it’s possible to apply for a visa to reunite those from the same family.
Who is entitled to the family reunion visa?
Different profiles are entitled to a permanent Visa for a family reunion in Brazil. Therefore, it can be granted to the immigrant:
- Spouse or partner of a Brazilian or of an immigrant who is the beneficiary of a residence authorization, without discrimination under the law;
- Child of a Brazilian or of an immigrant who is the beneficiary of a residence authorization;
- Stepchild of a Brazilian or an immigrant who is a beneficiary of a residence authorization. In this case, must be under 18 years of age, or up to 24 years of age, if proven to be a student. However, if economic dependence is confirmed, all ages are eligible (which we will explain below);
- Who has a Brazilian child;
- Who has an immigrant child that is a beneficiary of a residence authorization;
- Ascendant to the second degree of a Brazilian or immigrant who has a residence authorization;
- Descendant up to the second degree of a Brazilian or also an immigrant who has residence authorization.
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What is the caller?
There is a caller in the process for a permanent Visa for a family reunion in Brazil. That means a Brazilian citizen, who has a Brazilian identification document, or a foreigner with a valid residence authorization in the country.
In addition to the caller, there is also the “called”, which refers to the foreigner, which can be located in Brazil or abroad.
In short, the caller is the person who is already a resident or has residence authorization, and the “called” is the person who will apply for the permanent Visa for family reunion in Brazil.
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Documents required for applying for the permanent Visa for family reunion in Brazil
Different documents are required from both the caller and the called party. Therefore, see below the specific documents that you’ll need for a Family Reunion Visa.
Documents for the “called”:
- Certified copy of proof of relationship with the caller;
- Certified copy of passport;
- For those over 18 years of age: certified copy of the criminal record certificate issued in the country of origin. It must be authorized by the Brazilian Embassy or Consulate and translated into Portuguese;
- Two 3×4 photos with a white background.
Documents for the caller:
- Certified copy of RG (Brazilian identification document), if Brazilian, or Permanent or Temporary CRNM (National Migration Registration Card), if foreign;
- Caller’s certified copy of proof of financial capacity;
- 3×4 photo with white background;
- Certified copy of proof of residency.
The analysis and decision regarding the Visa applications are made by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Brazil – Itamaraty.
When will the visa or residence permit for the purpose of family reunion be granted to the immigrant?
The family reunion visa will be granted when there is proof of a family relationship with the caller and when the necessary documents are delivered.
Additionally, the visa is subject to certain conditions and requirements, and it’s important to consult with a qualified immigration attorney to ensure that all requirements are met and to navigate the visa application process successfully.
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