Migração, Vistos e Residência de Estrangeiros para o Brasil /
How to obtain a Brazilian Visa by investing in innovation
Nowadays, foreign investment is usually very encouraged by several companies and governments around the world. In a globalized and connect world, it is common to decide to invest financially in other countries, bringing benefits to all those who are involved. Therefore, today, let’s talk more about the innovation investor visa and how this opportunity can be interesting.
One of the main investment possibilities is in innovation, with the main goal of creating new models or altering preexisting models, in order to develop them in accordance with new technology and modernity.
In this article, we are going to explain more about the Brazilian visa intended for foreign entrepreneurs who choose this type of investment within Brazilian territory. See more details below!
If you wish to be assisted by a specialist lawyer to obtain your Brazilian foreign investor visa, click here.
Author: Lucas Gomes Furtado
Who can apply for the Investment Visa in Brazil?
In broad terms, the temporary Investment Visa is aimed at the foreigner who wishes to invest in Brazil with foreign capital, specifically in a company or property located here, as long as the necessary requirements are met.
The main intention of this visa is to boost local economy, promote work and income, while allowing this entrepreneur to live in Brazil regularly.
Therefore, they will have the freedom to manage their investment nearby, apart from facilitating the creation of job opportunities and money movement locally, regionally, or even nationally.
What are the basic requirements for someone to apply for the Investment Visa?
The requirements will depend on the type of investment chosen. For example, if they are investing on property, it must be, at least:
- R$ 700.000,00 (seven hundred thousand reais), in case the property is located in the North or Northeast regions of Brazil;
- R$ 1.000.000,00 (one million reais), if located in any other region.
Also, this property must be situated in urban areas and be under construction or already built. It is also possible to invest in more than one property, as long as they follow the numbers above.
On the other hand, if they wish to invest in a company (legal person), it must be:
- between R$ 150.000,00 and R$ 500.000,00, in case of activities related to innovation, science, technology, or concerning basic research or applied research;
- of at least R$ 500.000,00, for other types of investments in companies.
It’s also important to mention that each form of investment may require different and specific conditions to their own type.
What does investing in innovation in Brazil mean?
One of the possibilities of investing in legal persons in Brazil has to do with innovation activities, and much has been said about this type of foreign investment in many countries around the world.
It is not a coincidence that, in 2022, foreign capital investments in Brazil have reached an all-time high historically. But what does “investing in innovation in Brazil” mean?
In other words, as the name suggests, investing in innovation means offering a new strategy or suggestion for a determined process, product, or service, in particular with the intention to look for solutions and develop proceedings.
Thus, the creation of innovation projects with foreign capital may have several objectives, from expanding the economy and productivity to completely change a market segment, as it often happens with startups, for instance.
Because of that, Brazil has been trying to simplify some rules and the bureaucracy of these proceedings, in order to stimulate the entrance of foreign capital and innovation investments in the country.
This becomes clear, for example, when we notice that the Brazilian government offers a reduction in the money needed for an investor who wishes to obtain a visa and invest in innovation in Brazil. This is a reduction in the money needed for an investor who wishes to obtain a visa and invest in Brazil, as we will see in detail later.
What are the main requirements to apply for the innovation investor visa?
For this visa to be granted, the investor must first receive a previous residence permit by The General Immigration Coordination.
The proceedings to request the previous residence permit with the intention of obtaining the visa will be done online, before the arrival of the foreign investor within Brazilian territory.
To request this permit, some requirements must be fulfilled, such as proving the amount invested, which has to be comprised between R$ 150,000.00 and R$ 500,000.00.
In other words, we can notice that the investment in innovation performed by a foreigner may be lower than other types of investment, which are usually of at least R$ 500,000.00.
Besides, the company which will receive the foreign investment can be either a newly formed company or an already established company, and it must match at least one of the conditions listed below:
- it has received investment, financing, or other resources aimed at the support of innovation of a government institution;
- it’s situated in a technology park;
- it’s incubated or it is a graduated company;
- it was a finalist on a government program in support of startup companies;
- it has benefited from startup accelerators in Brazil.
It’s important to highlight that some relevant criteria considered for the approval of the residence permit are related to the originality, extension, and relevance of the product, process, or service that will be introduced in the Brazilian market.
What are the main documents needed to obtain the innovation investor visa?
If all requirements are fulfilled, the foreigner will be able to apply for the previous residence permit, through the MigranteWeb system and with the following documentation:
- the social contract or the articles of incorporation of the benefited company, and with the paid in foreign capital;
- proof of the investment through the presentation of the ‘Current Corporate Structure’ screen from the system of the Brazilian Central Bank, and the exchange contract emitted by the bank which received the investment;
- the investment plan, containing the definition of business, the purpose of the company and the creation of jobs or income, according to the Normative Resolution nº. 13/2017, emitted by the National Council of Immigration;
- among others.
After the previous residence permit has been authorized, this information will be passed on to the Brazilian Consulate, which will then be able to grant the Investment Visa to the foreign investor.
For that, the Foreigner will have to fill out an electronic form on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ website and schedule an appointment at the Consulate, to which they may bring all the required documentation.
Finally, with the visa in hands, the foreign investor will be free to enter Brazil and get registered (National Migratory Registration) as a foreigner at the Federal Police office.
If the foreigner is already in Brazil, are they allowed to request the residence permit through innovation investor visa?
Yes, as long as the same requirements are fulfilled, and the same documents mentioned above are presented. In addition to those listed in the 6o Article of the Normative Resolution no. 13/2017, emitted by the National Council of Immigration, if they are necessary.
In this situation, after the residence permit is granted and published by the competent institution, the foreigner will have to schedule an appointment at the Federal Police office to get registered as a foreigner in Brazil.
What are the costs and the validity of the Investment Visa in innovation?
The Consulate fees may vary depending on the Brazilian Consulate or Brazilian Embassy that is going to process the request.
However, the fees for the Investment Visa overall are usually, in approximate numbers:
- R$ 290.00 for citizens of the United States;
- R$ 215.00 for citizens of the United Kingdom;
- R$ 100.00 for citizens from other countries.
Apart from this, the investor must also prove the whole paid in foreign capital in the benefited company, according to the rule determined by the law for innovation activities, in other words between R$ 150,000.00 and R$ 500,000.00.
Also, the validity of the residence permit may vary according to each case and may be temporary, being valid for two years, or permanent. In the first case, the person can request a permanent residence permit by the end of that period.
Besides that, the Investment Visa allows not only for the investor to live in Brazil regularly, but also their spouse, partner, and dependents, in the basis of the same visa granted initially.
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