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Expired Brazilian ID for foreigners: fine, block and how to renew.

Understand how to renew a foreigner’s identity card that has expired in Brazil (RNE/CRNM), how to deal with an expired Brazilian ID for a foreigners and what is the validity of the card.

CRNM, former RNE: the foreigner’s identity card in Brazil

The former RNE was replaced by the CRNM, since the New Migration Law of 2017. Thus, the CRNM, National Migratory Registration Card, is a necessary document for foreigners who decide to live in Brazil.

Remembering that the validity of the foreigner’s identity card in Brazil varies from 1 to 9 years, according to the evaluation of the government agency that issues and evaluates it.

What are the risks of staying in Brazil with an expired RNE/CRNM?

The risks of staying in Brazil with an expired Brazilian ID for foreigners, include paying a fine and even deportation.

The fine is based on a day of excess, that is, for each day that is not regularized, the fine increases a little more.

Deportation occurs when the foreigner does not leave Brazil or regularize the migratory situation.

However, both the fine and the deportation can only be made when the foreigner is in a temporary situation in the country. That is when he does not have a permanent residence permit.

Overdue foreigner ID: blocked

The CRNM, or Foreigner Identity, is blocked when the immigrant remains irregular in Brazil. That is when he has his foreign identity expired. Therefore, to avoid blocking, you must renew your CRNM, according to the validity period you received from it.

Expired foreigner ID: fine

For an irregular foreigner in Brazil, with an expired foreigner’s identity card, a fine of R$ 100.00 per day is applied. In addition, if you spend more than 100 days illegally in the country, the fine can reach up to R$10,000.00.

Expired Brazilian ID for foreigners: how to renew?

The first step is to organize the necessary documents that you will need for the renovation. The documents can be found on the official website of the Brazilian Government.

Then you must fill in the application form as well as pay the required fees.

In this way, you must also schedule a visit to the Federal Police. This appointment can be made online, through the Government website. However, some units of the General Police waive prior scheduling.

You can track the status/situation of the id on the official website.

And finally, you must attend your scheduled visit and pick up your CRNM.

What is the deadline to renew the expired Brazilian ID for foreigners (CRNM/RNE)?

To renew the expired foreigner’s identity, you must follow the recommendation of the Federal Police to file a request for renewal of your CRNM (RNE), 90 days before expiration.

So, look at your id and see what its expiration date is. Then, count 90 days before the date (3 months) and put it on your agenda to order within that period.

With this, you can avoid or reduce the risks of being in an irregular situation.

In addition, if you are already irregular, the recommendation is to renew the CRNM as soon as possible, to reduce the fine and avoid greater penalties.

How long does it take to renew the expired CRNM (RNE)?

The average time, after appearing at the Federal Police, is 60 days for the card to be ready.

What is the CRNM (RNE) renewal rate?

The renewal fee for the expired foreigner identity card (CRNM/RNE) is the same as when the foreigner issued the first copy.

That is the amount of BRL 204.77 (2023).

How to avoid a fine and blocking of the RNE (CRNM)?

To avoid the CRNM (RNE) fine and block, you must:

Before winning the CRNM, get organized, preferably 6 to 12 months before winning! This way, you will have enough time for the renovation.

Also, organize your documents as it will be of great help in the renovation. If you still have questions or need assistance, speak with a specialist in Immigration Law to assess your specific situation.

Care about the Identity of a foreigner in Brazil

In short, the main information you should keep in mind and the precautions you should take are:

  • The CRNM is the foreigner’s identity card in Brazil and is required for foreigners who decide to live in the country.
  • The foreigner identity card is valid for 1 to 9 years.
  • Risks of staying in Brazil with an expired Brazilian ID for foreigners include fines and deportation.
  • The CRNM can be blocked if the immigrant remains irregular in the country.
  • The fine for an irregular foreigner in Brazil with an expired CRNM is R$100.00 per day, which can reach up to R$10,000.00 in 100 days or more.
  • To renew the expired CRNM, it’s necessary to organize the necessary documents, complete the application form, pay the required fees, and schedule a visit to the Federal Police.
  • The recommendation is to renew the CRNM 90 days before expiration to avoid risks and penalties.

With that in mind, you can be more secure with your expired foreign ID card in Brazil!

Eduardo Koetz

Eduardo Koetz, advogado inscrito nas OAB/SC 42.934, OAB/RS 73.409, OAB/PR 72.951, OAB/SP 435.266, OAB/MG 204.531, sócio e fundador da Koetz Advocacia. Se formou em Direito na Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos e realizou pós-graduação em Direi...

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