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Certificate of Proficiency in Portuguese for Foreigners

I will explain the Certificate of Proficiency in Portuguese Language for naturalization purposes in this text.

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What is the Portuguese Language Proficiency Certificate for Foreigners?

The Portuguese Language Proficiency Certificate for Foreigners (Celpe-Bras) is an official certification from the Brazilian Government that attests to Portuguese language proficiency for foreigners. Thus, the Ministry of Education of Brazil issues the certificate, which is recognized nationally and internationally.

The National Institute of Educational Studies and Research Anísio Teixeira (Inep) applies the Celpe-Bras exam in several countries to assess candidates’ language skills in listening comprehension, reading, writing, and oral production.

The Portuguese language proficiency certificate for foreigners has four levels: intermediate, upper-intermediate, advanced, and upper-advanced. They will be determined according to the candidate’s performance in the test.

In addition, a Certificate of Proficiency in Portuguese is a requirement for obtaining Brazilian naturalization.

Which law establishes the requirement for the certificate?

The requirement of the Certificate of Proficiency in Portuguese Language for Foreigners (Celpe-Bras) is established by Law nº 11.161, of August 5, 2005.

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Who needs to obtain the Certificate?

The Certificate of Proficiency in the Portuguese Language for Foreigners (Celpe-Bras) is required for foreigners who wish to obtain Brazilian naturalization and enroll in undergraduate, graduate, and medical residency programs at Brazilian higher education institutions.

What are the advantages of obtaining the Certificate?

Obtaining the Certificate of Proficiency in Portuguese Language for Foreigners (Celpe-Bras) can bring several advantages to candidates. Some of them are:

  • Possibility of obtaining Brazilian naturalization: In some cases, such as ordinary naturalization, proof of proficiency in Portuguese is a requirement for obtaining Brazilian naturalization.
  • Admission to Brazilian higher education institutions: Celpe-Bras is a mandatory requirement for foreigners who wish to enroll in undergraduate, graduate, and medical residency programs in Brazilian higher education institutions;
  • Recognition of Portuguese language skills: The certificate is nationally and internationally recognized as proof of Portuguese language skills, which can be useful for professionals who wish to work in Brazilian companies or institutions or Portuguese-speaking countries;
  • Possibility of participating in exchange programs: Some Brazilian higher education institutions offer exchange programs for foreign students. Celpe-Bras may be a requirement to participate in these programs.
  • Valuing the curriculum: The certificate can make a difference in the candidates’ curriculum, demonstrating their commitment to learning and communicating in Portuguese.

What are the requirements to obtain the Certificate of Proficiency in Portuguese Language for Foreigners?

In principle, to obtain the Certificate of Proficiency in the Portuguese Language for Foreigners (Celpe-Bras), the candidate must meet the following requirements:

  • Be at least 16 years old;
  • Any nationality;
  • You must enroll within the period established by the National Institute of Educational Studies and Research Anísio Teixeira (Inep), which opens enrollment twice a year;
  • Pay the registration fee;
  • Appear on the day and place of the exam with an original identification document with a photo and a black ballpoint pen, made of transparent material;

In addition, the candidate needs to reach at least the intermediate level in the written and oral parts at the same time.

It’s worth remembering that the Celpe-Bras exam consists of two stages:

  1. Objective test, which assesses oral comprehension and written comprehension;
  2. Oral and written production, a test that is held after the objective test.

Thus, the candidate must be approved in both stages to obtain the certificate.

How do I register for the Portuguese Language Proficiency Certificate for Foreigners?

To register for the Portuguese Language Proficiency Certificate for Foreigners (Celpe-Bras) test, you must follow these steps:

  • Access the website of the National Institute of Educational Studies and Research Anísio Teixeira (Inep) at the website;
  • Click on “Registrations”, choose the corresponding period, and follow the instructions to fill in the registration form;
  • When filling out the application form, you will need to provide your personal data, contact information, education, languages ​​spoken, country of origin, among others;
  • After completing the form, review the information and confirm the application.
  • Pay the registration fee through the Union Collection Guide (GRU);
  • Keep proof of payment of the registration fee, as it will be necessary to prove your registration;
  • Inep will disclose the date, time, and place of the test after the registration period ends, so stay tuned!

What is the validity period of the Certificate of Proficiency in Portuguese Language for Foreigners?

The Certificate of Proficiency in Portuguese Language for Foreigners (Celpe-Bras) is valid indefinitely, that is, it does not expire.

It’s worth remembering that, although the certificate does not have an expiration date, some institutions may establish their own deadlines for accepting the certificate. Therefore, it is important to check in advance the requirements of the institutions where you intend to present the certificate.

Is there any preparatory course for the Portuguese Language Proficiency Test?

Yes, there are several preparatory courses for the Portuguese Language Proficiency Test for Foreigners (Celpe-Bras). For example, language schools, universities, and other study centers offer these courses, which can be face-to-face or online.

In this way, preparatory courses can help the student to become familiar with the format and content of the test, as well as to develop the necessary skills to perform well.

Carolina Correa

Advogada (OAB/RS 127.271), é bacharel em Relações Internacionais e pós-graduanda em Direito Previdenciário. Atualmente, trabalha na Koetz Advocacia, sendo responsável pelo atendimento e avaliação dos novos casos de estrangeiros que desejam vi...

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