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Can Foreign Investors in Brazil obtain visas for their entire family?

Discover here the ways in which foreign investors can obtain visas and residence permits in Brazil. We will also address the best way for investors to bring their families to Brazil through a specific visa for family reunion.

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Author: Leonardo Almeida Lacerda de Melo

Brazilian visa legislation

The relentless pursuit of new and promising investment opportunities transcends geographic boundaries and defies limits. In the Brazilian scenario, various opportunities arise for investors wishing to come to the country, with specific visas for each type of investment that make the investor’s migration to Brazil viable.

Furthermore, Brazilian legislation provides the possibility for foreigners who have obtained visas and residence permits in Brazil to bring their families with them through a family reunion visa.

With proper planning, individuals who hold specific investments in the country can plan their legitimate arrival in Brazil without significant difficulties by intelligently utilizing the advantages that various visas presented by the legislation can offer.

First, let us explore in this post the visas available to investors and the ways they can take advantage of them to come to Brazil. Next, we will discuss how these investors can secure visas for their entire families to reside in the country as well.

Visas for Foreign Investors in Brazil

With the growing influx of foreign investment in Brazil, especially in startups in recent years, there is a direct increase in the demand from foreign investors who decide to migrate to Brazil. Whether investors in real estate or those acquiring shares in Brazilian companies, these potential immigrants seek ways to make their residence in the country possible.

Let’s analyze here the opportunities that Brazilian legislation presents to these investors, with different visas for each type of investment that can enable residence through the acquisition of real estate or financing of companies that can bring greater work opportunities and technological advancement to Brazil. Let’s take a look at each of these potential visas available to foreign investors.

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Visa for Investor in Brazilian Company

Brazil has stood out as an attractive destination for foreign investors seeking promising business opportunities. In this context, the Brazilian government offers the visa for investors in Brazilian companies as a way to encourage the influx of foreign capital into the country. This type of visa is aimed at investors who wish to acquire ownership in established companies or initiate new ventures in Brazil. To qualify, a significant investment in the country’s business sector is required.

The visa for investors in Brazilian companies is designed to boost economic growth and job creation, promoting close collaboration between foreign investors and the local market.

Applicants must demonstrate the feasibility and positive impact of their investments. The minimum amount required by the legislation for the visa is R$500,000,00 (About US$100.000,00). This visa not only benefits investors by allowing their active participation in business but also contributes to Brazil’s economic development.

After obtaining the visa, investors can request, within Brazilian territory, a residence permit with the issuance of their National Migration Registry Card (CRNM).

Visa for Investor in Innovation Company

To be eligible for the visa for an investor in an innovation company, it is essential for the foreign investor to make a minimum investment of R$150,000.00 (about US$30.000,00) in a startup or a company focused on technological innovation. This investment should be directed towards projects demonstrating potential to transform key sectors of the economy and bring significant advancements, particularly in the fields of innovation, scientific or technological investment, or research.

However, there is a distinction between this visa and the one for investments in conventional companies. In the case of investors in innovation companies with investments ranging from R$150,000.00 to R$500,000.00 (US$30.000,00 to US$100.000,00), the residence authorization will be temporary for up to 2 years. For investments in Brazilian companies starting from R$500,000.00 (US$100.000,00), the residence authorization can become permanent.

Visa for Investor in Real Estate

The Brazilian real estate market has been an attraction for foreign investors seeking solid investment opportunities and financial stability. The Brazilian government offers the visa for investors in real estate as a means to encourage the inflow of foreign capital into this sector, contributing to the country’s economic growth and regional development.

To obtain the investor visa for real estate, interested individuals must make a minimum investment in urban properties. The investment requirements differ by region: in the North and Northeast, the minimum amount is R$700,000.00 (about US$140.000,00), while in the rest of the country, the required minimum investment is 1 million reais (about US$200.000,00). This investment can be directed towards the purchase of residences, land, or real estate projects, as long as they are located in urban areas.

For further details regarding the presented visas, more information can be found in our post regarding specifically this matter.

How Foreign Investors Can Bring Their Family to Brazil

Acquiring an investor visa in Brazil not only opens doors to promising business opportunities but also offers the possibility of reuniting families in a prosperous and multicultural environment. The family reunion visa allows investor visa holders to bring their loved ones to enjoy the benefits of the country, fostering emotional ties and sharing the rewards of successful ventures. 

Once the investor has obtained the corresponding visa based on their investment, they have the opportunity to apply for visas for their family members through the family reunion program. This process enables spouses, partners, and children of the visa holder to also reside in Brazil. The initiative aims to strengthen family bonds and provide a secure and prosperous environment for all family members.

To initiate the process of obtaining a family reunion visa, the investor visa holder must submit a series of documents that prove the family relationship and meet specific requirements set by Brazilian immigration authorities.

This generally includes marriage and birth certificates, as well as documents demonstrating the financial dependence of family members. Additionally, it is essential for the investor to demonstrate their ability to support the family during their stay in the country.

Once the documents are submitted and the conditions are met, family members can apply for the family reunion visa. This process ensures that the family can legally reside in Brazil and enjoy the same rights and benefits as the investor visa holder. Family reunion visas typically have the same duration as the investor visa and can be renewed according to the regulations in force.

The opportunity to reunite the family through this program creates an environment conducive to building a fulfilling and successful life in Brazil. In addition to sharing business success, the family can benefit from the rich cultural traditions, natural beauty, and diverse educational opportunities the country offers. Family reunion not only strengthens emotional bonds but also contributes to the integration and cultural enrichment of all involved.

How Specialized Assistance Can Help You

Obtaining specific visas is a meticulous procedure with various nuances that can facilitate the process of foreign investors’ residence in Brazil. Therefore, it’s beneficial to rely on the specialized assistance of experienced attorneys in obtaining the most suitable visa and residence authorization.

Through Koetz Advocacia, individuals looking to seize the opportunities offered by investor visas in Brazil can rely on specialized legal guidance that simplifies the entire process. With in-depth knowledge of regulations and requirements, the Koetz Advocacia team guides foreign investors at every step, from selecting the most suitable visa to obtaining family reunion visas for their loved ones.

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