The picture shows Doctor Eduardo Koetz looking at the camera, illustrating Koetz Advocacia's post

Brazilian Visa Types: list according to travel purpose

There is a long list of Brazilian visa types, and it may get difficult to know which one you must apply for. That’s why we organized this list of Brazilian visa types according to the purpose of your trip to the country.

We hope that this can help you to plan for your trip, knowing the best visa for your situation.

However, it is important to remember that if you are from a certain countries, you might qualify for the visa waiver. For exemple, if you are a citizen from MERCOSUR or other border countries, your entry is facilitated! In this cases, you just needing an official ID with your picture.

And if after reading the list of Brazilian visa types bellow you still don’t know which one apply for, you can contact us clicking here.

Where can I get the information of countries that don’t need the Visa?

Brazil works with reciprocity. That means: the countries that require a visa from Brazil are the ones that Brazil also requests their citizens to present a Visa to enter the country. In general, the visitor has up to 90 days to stay in Brazil, but this period can be extended in some cases. If you need more time, then you must follow de list of Brazilian visa types bellow.

However, how can you know which countries release you from needing a Brazilian Visa?

The main ones are the MERCOSUR countries and border countries. Nevertheless, there are dozens of other countries and the list is always changing. Consult a lawyer to know how t o proceed in your specific case.

Also, if you intend to live in Brazil, you must require a visa, travel to Brazil and then apply for the residence permit.

List of Brazilian Visa Types

Note that each visa has its function to better suit the type of visit. In other words, it’s better to define as soon as possible your motivation to visit Brazil. Thus you can stay in the country in the best way, without any kind of problem.

It’s also important to check if your country of origin has any kind of diplomatic agreement with Brazil. Some foreign citizens may enjoy different stays in the country, depending on the specific functions they want to perform in Brazil.

Travel purpose
Visitor Visa up to 90 days – Tourism and transit. The visit visa will be issued to foreigners traveling to Brazil for staying up to 90 days without purposes of immigration nor the exercise of paid activity. Some examples are: Adoption, Artistic or sports activities, Business, Non-corporate events (conferences, seminars, congresses, etc.), volunteer services, health treatment, tourism and transit, vessel or aircraft crew, maritime workers, study, internship, academic research, scientific cooperation, academic extension, visiting professors, journalistic coverage, news reporting or filming, auditing or consultancy, Family Reunion (marriage, stable union or offspring);
Courtesy visa.
Diplomatic and official visas.
Doctors (medical training).
Research, scientific cooperation, academic extension programmes and teaching (researchers, scientists, and visiting professors – no employment relationship).
Health treatment.
Humanitarian visa.
Supervised academic internship.
Study (primary/secondary education, undergraduate/postgraduate degrees, technical and language courses, research/study exchange programmes).
Work Technical Assistance.
Apprenticeship (professional training exchange programme), technical assistance, work, news correspondents.
Sports activities.
Vessel or aircraft crew members, maritime workers.
Internship or study;

Apprenticeship (professional training exchange programme), technical assistance, work, news correspondents.

Working Holiday Visa issued to New Zealand, France, Australia or German citizens who wish to travel to Brazil to holiday, with work or study being a secondary intention.
Religious activities.
Temporary Visa for Volunteer services.
Artistic activities.
For immigrant administrator, manager or director with power of representation of legal entity: must invest R$600.000,00 – R$150.000,00 plus10 new jobs.
For individual immigrant who invests in a legal entity in Brazil: must invest R$500.000,00 – R$150.000,00.
Real estate investor – foreigner must invest R$700.000,00 (when buying in North and Northeast regions) to R$1.000.000,00 (other regions of the country).
For activity of economic, scientific, technological or cultural relevance.
Family reunion (on the grounds of offspring).
Family reunion (on the grounds of marriage) – Married with a Brazilian national or married to a foreign national who is already the beneficiary of a residence permit in Brazil.
Family reunion (on the grounds of stable union). 
Artists and sportspersons.
Residence for nationals of countries that adhere to international agreements, such as the MERCOSUL Residence Agreement.
Transfer of retirement income and/or death pension benefit or Digital Nomads.
Medical improvement.


Eduardo Koetz

Eduardo Koetz, advogado inscrito nas OAB/SC 42.934, OAB/RS 73.409, OAB/PR 72.951, OAB/SP 435.266, OAB/MG 204.531, sócio e fundador da Koetz Advocacia. Se formou em Direito na Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos e realizou pós-graduação em Direi...

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That's great! If you want to know more about Brazilian work visas, you can read our post: https://koetz.digital/brazilian-work-visa/

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