Migration, Visas and Residence of Foreigners to Brazil /
Brazilian Visa: policy, types, application and requirements
It’s common to have doubts about the Brazilian visa, but in this text, you will find the main information to come to Brazil safely! We have gathered for you what you need to know and have a peaceful stay in the country without major problems.
And if you want assistance with your Brazilian visa from our specialized legal team, click here to access the service area.
In this text you will find:
- Visa policy;
- Who has Visa Waiver in Brasil;
- How to get the visa;
- How to apply for the Brazilian visa online;
- Which Brazilian Visa do you need and what are the requirements;
- About it Embassy and Consulates.
Visa policy of Brazil – why do I need a visa?
Firstly, you need to know that Brazil operates on the principle of reciprocity. Therefore, if a country requires a visa from Brazilian citizens, it’s likely that Brazil will require a visa from its foreign citizens.
Furthermore, when a Brazilian is exempt from a visa, it’s common for the foreign citizen not to need a Brazilian visa, as follows the principle of reciprocity.
That’s why it’s essential to check your specific situation before coming to Brazil.
Who has Visa Waiver and Exemption in Brazil?
People can have Visa Waivers from international agreements between countries and Brazil, as is the case of people from Mercosur. As we said, Brazilian laws are based on the principle of reciprocity and on international agreements to establish the need for visas or not.
How to get a Brazilian visa?
Itamaraty (the Ministry of Foreign Affairs) is the body responsible for granting visas, which occurs through the Embassies, General Consulates, Consulates, and Vice consulates of Brazil abroad. It’s good to point out that the visa is a document required to enter Brazil.
It’s advisable to organize the necessary documentation for visa withdrawal from 6 months to 1 year before traveling to Brazil. This period of time is important as Embassies and Consulates may take a while to issue a visa. The entire procedure can be done on the official website of the Brazilian Government or in person.
In addition to filling out a form, and collecting photos and documents, you must also pay the fees required by the Brazilian Government.
How do I find out which Brazilian visa I need?
First, you need to know the reason for your trip to Brazil. That is, keep in mind precisely the purpose of your trip or stay in the country.
You need to know exactly the purpose of your trip because Brazil has several types of visas that can perfectly fit your objective and it’s important to look for the right visa. In the beginning, you will have 90 days to stay in the country and know that it’s possible to extend this stay, if necessary.
To know your options, check our article about Brazilian Visa according to your travel purpose.
Thus, carefully analyze the reason for your trip, as it’s not advisable to have a visa that does not exactly correspond to the reason for your stay.
Which are the requirements for the Brazilian Visa?
According to the Brazilian government, foreigners must follow the following rules:
- Submit the visa application form duly completed;
- A valid travel document;
- Proof of payment of consular fees;
- International Certificate of Immunization – when necessary;
- And other specific documents for the type of visa requested.
Therefore, as mentioned before, it’s important for you to know exactly the purpose of your trip to Brazil in order to apply for the correct visa.
Embassy and Consulates
Each country has an Embassy or Consulate responsible for obtaining a Brazilian visa. Therefore, it’s necessary to check at the respective Embassies or Consulates through a list of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs available online. Through the list, find your respective country and city and see the options for obtaining a Brazilian visa.
You should know that not every Consulate or Embassy has an online service. In this way, you should check whether you need to appear in person, send an email or use the post office.
How can I apply for a Brazilian Visa online?
First of all, you need to access the e-consular. Itamaraty website allows the issuance of the visa online. Thus, it’s necessary to follow standard procedures and ask for the correct visa in your specific situation.
How to check my Brazilian Visa status?
The e-consular system serves to check your Brazilian Visa status but at any time it’s possible to access the Brazil Consular website.
When do I need a lawyer to get my Brazilian visa?
A lawyer is needed when basic requirements are not met, in other words, when there is difficulty in finding documentation or accessing the correct government websites. A good professional can build a “bridge” between your country of origin and Brazil.
How a lawyer can help me with my Brazilian visa?
In the first place, the chance of not granting the visa is reduced significantly by a lawyer’s help. A lawyer can “translate” the entire visa granting process in a more didactic and explanatory way, solving any doubts you might have. Gathering documentation, helping pay fees, and having access to Brazilian agencies are important issues and can be facilitated with a specialized professional by your side. In addition, understanding the visa terms and Brazilian government requirements is less confusing with a lawyer.
Also, there are specific laws that might differ from what you are used to in your country, such as the validation of your documents.
For example, if you need to present yourself to the Federal Police in order to get a Brazilian ID, you must have your papers certified under Hague apostille, which must be done in your country of origin!
Steps of the Brazilian Visa Application
It’s important to say that the e-consular is of great help to any foreigner seeking a visa. Through the website, it’s possible to check Embassies and Consulates, in addition to issuing a visa. However, here are the main steps:
- Visit the official website of the Brazilian government;
- Fill in the requested form;
- Submit required documents;
- Pay the appropriate fees;
- Go to the Consulate or Embassy in person, if necessary;
- Wait for the Embassy or Consulate contact to pick up your visa.
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