
iPhone import: what you need to know

See, in this article, everything you need to know to carry out a safe operation of importing iPhones!

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Author: Bianca Noronha Anchieta Aragão

Why import iPhones?

Due to the evolution of technology and the production of new models to meet the needs of consumers, the search for high-end smartphones has gradually increased worldwide in recent years.

In this sense, the purchase and resale of these devices can be a great opportunity to earn good profits, even more so if they are the most desired of the generation, like the iPhones.

It’s true that the consumer dream of many Brazilians is to obtain one of these devices and, therefore, the company with the Apple logo is always at the top of smartphone sales.

It’s no wonder that Apple CEO Tim Cook, at an international financial results conference for the year 2023, revealed that the company reached quarterly records in Brazil, Malaysia, India, and other countries.

However, despite this blue ocean of opportunities, the cost of iPhones in Brazil is not very attractive, since, after the entry of foreign goods into the national territory, taxes end up influencing their final value.

Thus, a way out for those who want to obtain these devices at a lower cost is to import iPhones.

Therefore, be aware that importing iPhones for your own use or for resale has different particularities. If you want to know more about it, keep reading this article!

How to import iPhones for resale?

Initially, to carry out an operation to import iPhones for resale, it’s essential to be aware of some details and legal obligations.

Simply put, you need to have a National Register of Legal Entities (CNPJ) and keep another register, always updated, with the Federal Revenue Service. Thus, you can issue invoices and hire companies that offer other necessary services.

In addition, to legally resell the device in the national territory, it’s necessary to obtain the brand rights and to offer the products to Anatel for homologation.

Observing the considerations presented, market research should be carried out, evaluating which devices will be imported, values, carriers, and which suppliers offer good conditions.

In these cases, if you prefer to rely on ease and security, you can hire intermediaries to deal with the bureaucracy, indicate the best suppliers, fair prices and freight, and ensure that all taxes are paid correctly.

Finally, it’s essential to have a recognized and secure platform to make your international payments, in order to optimize your business, facilitate your payments and avoid losses with exchange rate issues.

How to import iPhone wholesale?

The procedure to import wholesale iPhones doesn’t change much compared to the method explained above.

The main difference is choosing a good wholesale iPhone supplier.

It’s necessary to take into account several factors that guarantee the authenticity of the merchandise, agility in the delivery, payment processes, and a fair price for the product.

Please also note the warranty and after-sales support policies, which are essential for a satisfactory shopping experience.

Finally, see the step-by-step below:

  1. Choose the model of the devices to be purchased;
  2. Search wholesale suppliers;
  3. Compare budgets, delivery times, and payment methods;
  4. Make sure the product is authentic;
  5. Complete your purchase;

It may seem complicated to carry out a large purchase operation without any assistance, which is why it is interesting to have specialized advice to intermediate the entire operation and avoid large-scale losses.

How to import iPhones for your own use?

Importing iPhones for personal use is simpler than for resale.

In this case, unfortunately, it’s not possible to buy the device in a foreign store to have it delivered directly to your home.

For this, it is necessary to hire an order redirection service.

To hire this service is very simple, you access the redirector’s website, check its conditions and prices, create your account, and, shortly after, an address is provided to be used for your purchase.

Afterwards, you will be able to make your purchase without any problems on foreign websites, using the address provided. They will receive your order in their warehouse and arrange for shipment to Brazil.

Remember to check if the store accepts Brazilian cards for payment, otherwise, you will need to register on a platform that provides the international payment service.

Which parcel forwarding companies are most reliable?

There are some companies that are more recognized in this field and that stand out for offering different services that help in this process, in addition to being more reliable.

For example, we can cite:

The first stands out for offering differentiated functionalities such as assisted purchase. You just need to forward the product link and they take care of everything else, from the purchase process to shipping to Brazil.

If you want to avoid problems or want ease of purchase, it can be a good choice.

The second is a large dispatcher that is present in 30 countries, its safety processes and quality of service are its highlights.

Which sites import iPhones from the United States?

Now that you already have a sense of how to import iPhones, you might be wondering which sites to use.

Generally, many people, whether individuals or companies, prefer to purchase this device from American companies, either for the most attractive price or for loyalty.

That said, see below the list of the most used ones:

Of all these sites, Apple’s is the one with the highest degree of complexity, especially in the case of purchases for personal use. There is a need to hire a redirector with assisted purchases to avoid the risk of your purchase being canceled.

In the case of a purchase for resale, you can contact Apple service to become a distributor, however, this process will be much more time-consuming and difficult.

On the other hand, becoming an Apple distributor will save you time and facilitate procedures for legalized resale in Brazil.

Which sites import iPhones from China or Taiwan?

The most used website to import iPhones from China or Taiwan is Aliexpress.

Always pay attention to the details provided in the product description, if the supplier is reliable, if it has a good rating, and if there are positive comments from buyers.

In addition, it will not be necessary to hire carriers or order redirectors, as you can choose to send the product directly to Brazil.

What is needed to clear the Iphones at customs?

Customs is the public body of the Federal Revenue responsible for controlling the entry and exit of goods from the national territory.

It’s necessary to observe the rules imposed by the RFB to avoid complications in its operations during customs control, correctly declaring the products and paying the due taxes.

Also, do not forget to keep all tax documents and declarations of your products for later presentation, if requested by the Tax Authority.

For this reason, it’s recommended to keep in touch with a specialized consultant in case the RFB refuses to accept any tax document presented or requires any extraordinary measure.

What are the taxes and fees charged when importing iPhones?

 Normally, when importing iPhones, there is an Import Tax (II), Tax on Industrialized Products (IPI), Tax on Circulation of Goods (ICMS), and contributions to PIS and COFINS.

In addition to them, there is also the customs clearance fee and the Tax on Financial Operations (IOF), resulting from your international payments.

It’s also necessary to emphasize that the products that exceed the value of US$ 50.00 will be taxed by Customs, including freight and insurance in this amount. In these cases, a fee of 60% of the value of the goods is charged.

Therefore, it’s advisable to carry out a cost survey to find out how much must be disbursed and what tax obligations must be met in each case.

In these moments, if you want to know more or need help from professionals specialized in imports, we at Koetz Advocacia will be happy to assist you!

 You can contact us through our service area.

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