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How to revalidate medical diplomas

In this article, we will analyze how holders of foreign diplomas can request the revalidation of their diplomas. We will bring details and options for the revalidation process of specific medical degrees and tips on the procedure.

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Author: Lucas Velozo de Mello Marchiori

What will a doctor trained abroad need to work in Brazil?

Physicians with foreign medical degrees carry out the revalidation of their diplomas in two main stages. In this way, it involves taking the National Exam for Revalidation of Medical Diplomas Issued by a Foreign Institution of Higher Education. The popular name of this exam is Revalida.

The second stage involves the revalidation of the foreign diploma in Brazilian territory through a public university. Therefore, this revalidation will occur after passing the Revalida exam.

How does the revalidation process of a foreign medical degree work in Brazil through the Revalida exam?

The Secretariat of Higher Education (SESu) together with the Federal Council of Medicine (CFM) currently organize the Revalida. It is a test that verifies the acquisition of knowledge, skills, and competencies required for the practice of medicine.

The exam consists of two stages. Thus, the doctor must prove technical, theoretical, and practical competence for the professional practice of medicine in Brazil.

The text continues after the form.

What are the requirements to take the Revalida test?

The doctor who intends to revalidate his foreign medical degree through Revalida must observe some conditions. The first one concerns who can request the revalidation of a foreign diploma in Brazil.

Only Brazilians or foreigners with residence possess in Brazil can request the revalidation of the diploma.

The second condition is related to the diploma itself to be presented. The medical diploma issued by a foreign higher education institution must be recognized by its ministry of education or a similar body in the country of origin.

In addition, the doctor must provide for the legalization of the document. This legalization can occur through the Hague Apostille or the Brazilian consulate abroad.

Access our article if you want more details about the process of legalizing foreign documents.

Finally, the applicant must have a Taxpayer Registration (CPF) issued by the Federal Revenue of Brazil. Foreign citizens can also apply for registration with the CPF.

What is the procedure for taking the Revalida exam?

The first step to taking the Revalida exam is to register on the website. In general, the exams take place twice a year. In addition, at the time of registration, attaching an image of the diploma (front and back) is mandatory.

At the end of registration, payment of the fee must occur. The current value of the registration fee for the first stage is BRL 410.

After registration, the applicant will receive a Confirmation Card. This card will contain important information, such as the registration number, date, and location of the exam.

The first stage of the exam consists of two eliminatory tests, applied on the same day. Therefore, an objective test, with 100 questions; and the discursive test, with five questions. The applicant has 5 hours to complete the tests.

If approved, the applicant must register for the second stage. Thus, at this stage, the applicant will choose the city where he prefers to take the tests. You should also choose the public university responsible for revalidating the diploma.

The applicant must pay a new registration fee, in the amount of R$ 4106.09. After payment, the doctor will have access to the confirmation card for the second step.

The second stage exam is intended to assess the applicant’s clinical skills.

The doctor must attend ten stations, five per day, performing specific tasks in these areas of professional practice:

  • Medical clinic;
  • Surgery;
  • Gynecology-Obstetrics;
  • Pediatrics;
  • Family and Community Medicine

The maximum length of stay at each station is 10 minutes.

The preliminary and final results of the skills test will be published and disseminated on a date defined in the public notice.

A group of specialists that make up the Item Evaluation Committee (CAI) defines the application’s cutoff score. Therefore, the minimum score will depend on the judgment of the level of difficulty of the items that make up the test.

The final list of those approved is published in the Official Gazette (DOU) and forwarded to the partner universities responsible for revalidation.

How does the revalidation process of a foreign medical degree work in Brazil through a Public University?

The process of revalidation of a foreign medical degree in Brazil by a public university follows the same procedure as for any foreign degree. A public educational institution that offers a medical course in Brazil must revalidate the diploma.

Each public institution of higher education in Brazil has its diploma validation process. Therefore, the educational institution defines the procedure and the documents to be presented. Educational institutions are free to establish their own revalidation and recognition processes

Brazil does not have any agreement for the revalidation and automatic recognition of higher education diplomas with any country. Therefore, the revalidation and recognition process is the same for immigrants from all countries.

The basic documents required are a copy of the immigrant’s diploma and school transcript. It will be up to the university responsible for the recognition analysis to request, when deemed necessary, the translation of the foreseen documentation.

In addition, the immigrant must pay a fee referring to the cost of administrative expenses for the revalidation and recognition of diplomas. However, the value of the fee is not predetermined by the National Council of Education or by the Ministry of Education, varying between institutions.

In general, the deadline for the university to decide on the application for revalidation of undergraduate degrees depends on the type of procedure. By regular procedure, it is up to 180 days; by simplified procedure, it is up to 60 days, counting from the date of delivery of the necessary documentation.

If you want to have more details about this general revalidation process, access our article dedicated exclusively to the subject.

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